Witches, Stitches and Other Itches taps into a certain intuition of the past or something that has been transmitted that we carry within us, without being aware of it. It reflects the realm of power and playfulness that women deemed to be ‘witches’ were exploring. Sadly, they were often persecuted for this. The structure covered with textile is, for me, symbolic of the body - a home.

In the film, my performance conjures up and plays with imagery linked to witches, fortune-telling and generational transmission. I also draw on images inspired by tarot. During filming, I always leave a place for improvisation; what comes to me in the moment. I like to work with the process of chance and surprise. There is also this sentence, that keeps coming back to me while I’m making. It’s written in the textile too: “We are the Grand-daughters of the witches you couldn't burn”.

2 min Excerpt